Donor Profile: The Shehab Family

In our first newsletter, we brought you the story of how Amy Shehab gave birth to a healthy baby girl, Paige Jude, after a screening and medical advice indicated a high risk of severe genetic illness. The family devotion to Saint Jude, which Amy inherited from her mother and grandmother, gave the Shehabs a protector in their time of trial.
We were overjoyed to welcome Amy and Edward and their children Paige Jude and Eddie Jr., to the Rosary Shrine of St. Jude for the annual Feast of St. Jude on October 28th. The St. Jude Messenger sat down with Amy to discuss that visit.
Does Paige Jude know the story behind her middle name?
She understands, as well as a four-year-old can, that her middle name is in honor of Saint Jude and she carries a little medal and relic card in her backpack. Eddie also carries a Saint Jude medal and treats it with great respect. They know he’s our family’s patron saint.
How was your visit to the Rosary Shrine of Saint Jude in October?
It was so special. I looked into the eyes of Saint Jude at the Shrine and I honestly felt he was present. The Dominican Friars really took us under their wing. My husband, the kids, and I had dinner with the student brothers and talked about sports, the World Series – all sorts of things. It was a great experience for my kids.
Have you shared your devotion to St. Jude with others?
Yes, many times when friends and family have had health problems, we’ve given them the relics and other gifts we’ve received from the Rosary Shrine of St. Jude. Paige attends a Presbyterian pre-school, and when her teacher learned about our trip to the Rosary Shrine of Saint Jude in Washington, DC, she couldn’t wait to see pictures. So Paige brought some to school and they were very well received. There’s a ripple effect as St. Jude reaches those who need him through those he’s already helped.

Paige Jude Shehab with relic of St. Jude at the Shrine. Photos by Fr. Lawrence Lew, O.P.