Easter Novena

Dear Friend of Our Lady and St. Jude,
You and I have been so richly blessed with faith. We’ve felt God’s love, His tender compassion, His mercy. Our lives have been greatly enriched. But so many others don’t feel as we do. Where we see God’s light, they see only darkness. Where we experience God’s truth, they feel lost and uncertain.
Through our devotion to Our Blessed Mother and St. Jude, we know that the seemingly impossible can become possible. Others find it difficult to see what lies right in front of them. Miracles can and do happen. After all, isn’t Easter the greatest of all miracles, Christ’s triumph and victory over death!
I invite you to send me your special intentions and prayer requests on the prayer request form below. The Dominican Friars at the Rosary Shrine of St. Jude will then pray for all these petitions during our special Easter Novena of Masses from April 2nd through April 10th.
This Easter, the Dominican Friars have more young men preparing to serve Christ and the Church than we’ve had in over 50 years. Our formation house is bursting at the seams with faithful, intelligent and virtuous young men, seeking to give their lives to the service of God’s people.
Your continued support will help provide the educational, spiritual and theological formation that they need. Your offering of $20, $15, $25, $50 or your most generous gift, will empower our young Friars to go forth and lead people to faith, hope and love through preaching and devotion to Our Lady and St. Jude.
May God greatly bless you and your loved ones this Easter and always. Be assured that you are in my prayers and in the prayers of all of the Dominican Friars at the Rosary Shrine of St. Jude
Sincerely yours in Our Lady and St. Jude,
Fr. Gabriel Gillen, O.P.
Rosary Shrine of St. Jude