Dear friends of St. Jude & the Blessed Mother,
Christmas greetings to you. I pray this holy season is a time of great blessing to you and all those you love.
Two thousand years ago, another greeting set in motion the great miracle of God becoming human. The Archangel Gabriel appeared before the Blessed Virgin Mary and hailed her as “Full of grace.” He then gave her both news and a promise.
The news was that the world’s dark night was ending. Mary would bear the long awaited Savior, the Son of God.
The promise was that the news was real. It didn’t matter that Mary was young and had no husband. God would and could work a miracle to bring about the Incarnation. “For nothing is impossible with God,” Gabriel assured her.
Assisting us in this work is our Shrine’s namesake, St. Jude, Patron Saint of Impossible Causes.
If you have prayer requests that seem hopeless or impossible, please use the prayer intention form below to let us know your special intentions. Beginning on December 25th, the Dominican Friars in Jerusalem will offer a Christmas Novena of Masses at the Church of St. Stephen. During the Novena, we want to pray for you, as well as your friends and family.
You, too, have been a faithful friend in this work. Your Christmas offering will help us carry on the 800-year Dominican tradition of proclaiming the love of God and reminding all who come to us that, with God, nothing is impossible.
Thank you, again, for your faithful support. I pray our partnership continues in the New Year, and that this Christmas season is truly one of joy and light for you and all you love.
Sincerely in Our Lady and St. Jude,
Fr. Gabriel Gillen, O.P.
Director, Rosary Shrine of Saint Jude