Infant of Prague Novena

Are you in need of a fresh start, freedom from old burdens, and a new outlook on life? This January 14-22, the Dominican Friars at The Rosary Shrine of Saint Jude will be offering a Novena of Masses to the Infant Jesus of Prague for the intentions of our patrons. Bring your struggles and hopes before the child King!

After a destructive invasion of Prague in the 17th Century, the infant Jesus spoke to Father Cyril, a young priest who discovered His battered statue in the ruins of Our Lady of Victory Church. He promised, “The more you honor Me, the more I will bless you.”

What is remarkable about this devotion is that in it we go to Jesus in His infancy, in His littleness. It is a way for all of us to acknowledge that Christ came into the world as the smallest of human beings yet glorious in majesty. In His littleness we can come to see our own littleness before His great majesty, a great majesty that He wishes to bless us with!

Thank you for your faithful support of The Rosary Shrine of Saint Jude. Your gift of $5 or more helps the Dominican Friars spread devotion to Saint Jude and Our Lady throughout the world.

Please continue to pray for our work, and be assured of our prayers.

Sincerely in the Infant Jesus,

Father John Paul Kern, O.P.
Rosary Shrine of Saint Jude

Submit your novena intentions using the form below (donation required).