Saint Anne, a Compassionate Intercessor for the Suffering

Saint Anne, a Compassionate Intercessor for the Suffering

Saint Anne, a Compassionate Intercessor for the Suffering

Saint Anne, mother of the Blessed Virgin Mary and grandmother of the Lord has long been a source of refuge to the sick and suffering. As Pope Gregory XIII put it when introducing the feast of Saint Anne, “We believe that Saint Anne continually intercedes for us with the merciful Lord, for through her great benefits have come to mankind. From her was born the ever pure and immaculate Virgin Mary, who was found worthy to bring forth Jesus Christ, our Redeemer.”

Prayer in Honor of Saint Anne

O Glorious Saint Anne, you are compassionate toward those in need who invoke your heavenly intercession. Burdened with life’s difficulties, I place myself before you, and ask that you assist me with the petitions and intentions I now recommend to your special protection.

(Here mention your requests.)

Place my concerns before Our Lord Jesus Christ, and seek the loving aid of your daughter, the Blessed Virgin Mary. Please continue interceding for me until my requests are granted.

Above all, obtain for me the grace of one day seeing Almighty God face to face, with you and Mary and all the saints, honoring and praising God through all eternity.

Pray for us, good Saint Anne. That we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ.

Gracious God, who chose Saint Anne to bring into the world the mother of Your only Son, mercifully grant to us who devoutly honor her memory, the grace of happiness in this life, and the joy of life with You for all eternity. Amen.

If you would like to submit your prayer intentions for the Saint Anne Novena, please click here.
