
By Br. Simon Teller, O.P.
Are you stressed? Are you overwhelmed with work? Does your day feel like one, big, exhausting effort just to survive? Are you so desperately busy that you’ve started identifying with Wile E. Coyote in his feverishly frantic and fatally futile sprints through thin air as he tries to race back to the top of the cliff he’s just hurled off?
If your answer is yes, then read on, my dear friend, (and perhaps call your doctor) because this post is for you!
God loves us all the time. He especially loves us when we’re weighed down with stress, overburdened by anxiety, and sinking under the busy demands of life. Even as we’re drowning in a turbulent sea, God is doing good things for us:
He drew me forth from the mighty waters. He brought me out to a place of freedom; he saved me because he loved me (Ps 18:17-20).
Perhaps the best way to fight the spiritual dangers of stress is to remember that even as my head is slipping under the waves, Jesus is there, waiting to immediately reach out his hand and catch me.
All there is for me to do is to say, like St. Peter, “Lord, save me!”
Photo by Mubariz Mehdizadeh